
A LeadGen.com Case History

Contractor Software

During the Great Recession, a contracting software developer watched its sales swiftly plummet to zero as construction projects ground to a halt. After nearly every avenue to reach their audience closed shop, they found their own business at risk. So, with everything on the line, they called LeadGen.com.

Find out how we not only got revenues flowing again, but positioned the company as a leader in their field, a position which they cashed in on as the economy recovered!


A software company had developed a system for plumbers, builders, electricians and other contractors to better manage projects, bids, and payroll. They had started to market it broadly when the Great Recession shut down virtually all construction. As a result, the company’s new sales ground to a halt. And they ran the risk of not being able to recover their development costs.

What They Tried

At the time, trade magazines were still a popular way to reach contractors. So they pumped up their print budget, only to see it wasted when the books went out of business. Trades shows, too, were being canceled, closing off their other main way to reach the market. With these additional expenses, and without a way to reach their contractor market, they were soon in jeopardy of themselves going out of business.

LeadGen.com's Solution

In a last-ditch effort to save their business, they called LeadGen.com. And during a brief test, we recognized that we could reach the contractors in their offices, early in the mornings and late in the evenings by phone, so we put together a calling campaign.

The Results

In three months of calling we generated over 50 qualified leads for the company, over a third of which closed successfully, and profitably.

As a result of the campaign, the company was not only able to jump-start their revenue flow and recover their investment in development, but they were able to position themselves as a leader in the market. They prospered through the recession, and continue to thrive more than a decade later.

Do you have a software or IT solution you need to bring to market?

Are you to gain looking market share and position yourself as a leader in an industry?

New York, NY • Moorestown, NJ • Reno, NV • Tulsa, OK • Oceanside, CA
866-235-1100 • Sales@LeadGen.com